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General Questions

Thursday 20 June 2024 11:40 AM


Evelyn Tweed S6O-03613 1. To ask the Scottish Government what steps it has taken to improve access to childminders. Paul O'Kane S6O-03614 2. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its ongoing work with local authorities, Police Scotland and other partners to tackle the reported increasing antisocial behaviour in town centres. Sue Webber S6O-03615 3. To ask the Scottish Government whether it can provide further details of the progress that it has made regarding the delivery of a railway station in Winchburgh, including the date by which it anticipates the business case and cost will be finalised. Alexander Burnett S6O-03616 4. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to support schools in rural communities. Annabelle Ewing S6O-03617 5. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the Developing the Young Workforce programme in the Cowdenbeath constituency. Rachael Hamilton 6. [Withdrawn] Elena Whitham S6O-03619 7. To ask the Scottish Government, in light of research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies indicating that forecast UK Government tax and spending plans would be funded by reductions in public investment, what assessment it has made of the potential impact that any changes to Scotland’s block grant resulting from this would have on Scotland’s public finances. Fergus Ewing 8. [Not Lodged]

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Latest meetings: General Questions