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Members' Business — S6M-10032 Carol Mochan: Investing in Alcohol Services to Reduce Alcohol Related Harm in Scotland

Thursday 07 September 2023 12:50 PM


That the Parliament recognises what it sees as the urgent need for action to address the highest number of deaths from alcohol in over a decade, with a reported 22% increase in alcohol-specific deaths in the last two years following the COVID-19 pandemic; believes that this increase is likely due to changing drinking habits, alongside reduced access to services; considers that the risk of alcohol harm is already greater for the most disadvantaged in society, with people in Scotland's most deprived communities reportedly over five times as likely to die and six times as likely to be admitted to hospital because of alcohol than people in the wealthiest communities; believes that, while deaths are the most extreme form of alcohol harm, these are likely to be accompanied by increases in other harms, such as alcohol-related diseases, accidents, violence, unemployment, family and relationship breakdown, domestic abuse, child neglect and foetal alcohol spectrum disorder; notes the belief that a plan is needed to address what it sees as this public health emergency, and further notes the campaign by 36 charities and health bodies, including the Directors of Public Health in Scotland and the East Ayrshire, Dumfries and Galloway, Scottish Borders and South Lanarkshire Alcohol and Drug Partnerships in the South Scotland region, which calls for urgent action as well as increased and sustained investment in alcohol services and recovery support, alongside a renewed commitment to preventative policies recommended by the World Health Organization on pricing, availability and marketing.

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