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Members' Business — S6M-10068 Bob Doris: Tackling Child Poverty

Tuesday 12 September 2023 5:11 PM


That the Parliament strongly supports all measures to tackle child poverty; understands that 32% of children in Glasgow were estimated to live in relative poverty in 2022, compared with the wider Scottish rate of 24%; condemns what it sees as harmful UK Government policies such as the benefit cap and two-child limit, which it understands have forced as many as 20,000 children in Scotland into poverty; acknowledges that Glasgow city is reportedly the Scottish local authority worst hit by the two-child limit with, it understands, 3,990 recipients, or 54% of the households in receipt of Universal Credit or Child Tax Credits, not receiving financial support for at least one child in April 2023; considers that the Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn constituency is among the areas most seriously affected as, it understands, it contains the highest proportion of deprived postcodes in Scotland, according to the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation; believes that the two-child limit causes disproportionate harm to low-income families and women survivors of domestic abuse or sexual assault, and notes the calls on the Scottish Government to increase representations to the UK Government to reverse the benefit cap and the two-child limit, which it considers undermine the work done to lift children out of poverty, and to introduce its own equivalent of the Scottish Child Payment in support of low-income families.

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