That the Parliament recognises National Epilepsy Week, which runs from 20 to 26 May 2024; notes that this takes place to raise awareness of epilepsy, the challenges that those living with the condition face and to promote greater understanding and inclusion; further notes, in particular, the employment challenges that can face those living with epilepsy; understands that it is the most prevalent of the main neurological conditions, with around 58,000 people living with epilepsy in Scotland; recognises what it sees as the importance of National Epilepsy Week to foster conversations and greater understanding amongst the general public of the condition and what to do when someone has a seizure; welcomes the work of local groups such as West Dunbartonshire Epilepsy Support Group and, nationally, Epilepsy Scotland, for what it regards as the vital social support services that they provide to those living with epilepsy, but notes the reported difficulties that they are facing through independently funding these services, and hopes for a productive and successful National Epilepsy Week.
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