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Scottish Government Debate: Recommendations of the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment

Wednesday 28 February 2024 3:50 PM


Jenny Gilruth S6M-12304 That the Parliament welcomes It’s Our Future, the final report of the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment; notes the report’s recommendations, including proposals to change the balance in assessment methods in the Senior Phase; acknowledges the substantial engagement from teachers on the Review’s recommendations since publication; agrees that it is crucial that the Scottish Government ensures a fair and credible qualifications and assessment system that enhances learning and teaching and creates improved outcomes for young people; reaffirms the need to make significant progress in the reform of the qualifications and assessment landscape in this parliamentary session, with initial changes starting in 2024; agrees that these reforms must be taken forward with young people and teachers, with changes clearly understood by parents, carers, employers and further and higher education institutions; recognises that the process of education reform must not solely be about qualifications and structures, but also about continuously improving Scotland’s 3-18 curriculum framework to ensure seamless progression and to support pupils and teachers in classrooms, and agrees that trusted professionals working in Scotland’s schools must be provided with the necessary support to enable the adoption of any proposed new approaches to assessment. Liam Kerr S6M-12304.2 As an amendment to motion S6M-12304 in the name of Jenny Gilruth (Recommendations of the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment), insert at end “; believes that, given the concerns highlighted by teachers surrounding some aspects of the review, the implementation of any of its recommendations must be done in conjunction with teachers, parents, pupils and staff, with their voices leading change, and acknowledges that, despite considerable review of the education system, the Scottish Government is not progressing with the radical change that many suggest is needed to Scotland’s education system, which has suffered over the last 17 years.” Pam Duncan-Glancy S6M-12304.1 As an amendment to motion S6M-12304 in the name of Jenny Gilruth (Recommendations of the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment), leave out from "acknowledges" to end and insert "believes that teachers, parents and pupils need to be central to the actions taken to progress reform, particularly to take account of the context in which it exists, including rising violence in schools, reductions in pupil attendance, reductions in staff, growing class sizes, increases in staff workload and the need for more non-contact time; further believes that these issues make reform even more urgent; urges a joined-up approach to reform, including implementing the Morgan review, to address pressing issues with provision for pupils with additional support needs, and connecting school-based reform to the wider reform on skills so that the opportunities for young people in Scotland are maximised, and believes that the Scottish Government must, in addition to responding to individual reviews, address the outstanding structural problems in Scottish education so that it can create a fairer system, which can deliver opportunities for all of Scotland’s young people."

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