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Scottish Government Debate: Scottish Government Priorities: Growing the Economy

Wednesday 19 June 2024 3:25 PM


Kate Forbes S6M-13679 That the Parliament recognises that Scotland’s abundant natural resources and hugely talented people mean that there is opportunity to build a strong, successful and inclusive economy that realises the new opportunities from the transition to net zero and the digital revolution; acknowledges that Scotland’s economic potential can be realised through actions to support entrepreneurs, promote science and technology and ensure that the track record of innovation is translated into new businesses and improvements in productivity in all sectors of the economy, and agrees that doing so will build Scotland’s global reputation as a great place to do business, grow exports and secure international and domestic investment. Murdo Fraser S6M-13679.2 As an amendment to motion S6M-13679 in the name of Kate Forbes (Scottish Government Priorities: Growing the Economy), insert at end "; recognises that the best way to grow Scotland’s economy is to attract people to come and work in Scotland and to ensure that economic and fiscal policy is focused on removing the barriers that have hampered business expansion; acknowledges that many businesses, particularly in rural areas, have been let down by the Scottish Government’s anti-growth agenda and the supposed New Deal for Business; believes that the income tax differential between Scotland and the rest of the UK is damaging business and is an obstacle to economic growth; notes that this tax differential has become more pronounced due to the recent introduction of the new 'advanced' tax band; agrees that continually raising taxes over the long term ultimately reduces public revenue and creates disincentives in the economy; further agrees that broadening Scotland’s tax base is essential to improve fiscal sustainability, and calls on the Scottish Government to take steps to make income tax competitive with the rest of the UK, to unleash Scotland’s economic potential." Daniel Johnson S6M-13679.3 As an amendment to motion S6M-13679 in the name of Kate Forbes (Scottish Government Priorities: Growing the Economy), insert at end "; acknowledges that the gap in GDP per capita between Scotland and the rest of the UK has widened since 2007 and that EY’s Scottish spring forecast predicts that Scotland’s growth will continue to lag the UK’s in 2025; notes that Scotland’s early-stage entrepreneurial activity rate of 8.8% is lower than the UK’s rate of 11%; believes that businesses must be successful to build a strong economy and create the jobs that the country needs, and calls on the Scottish Government to work in partnership with business, listening to industry and workers, to deliver economic growth and the revenue needed to improve lives across Scotland." Maggie Chapman S6M-13679.1 As an amendment to motion S6M-13679 in the name of Kate Forbes (Scottish Government Priorities: Growing the Economy), insert at end "; acknowledges the important contribution that community and social enterprises, cooperatives and other not-for-profit structures make to local economies, including local resilience and community wealth building; recognises the need to promote science and technology, but also creative and caring work that sustains Scotland’s society and culture, and agrees that proper investment in the green economy is required to deliver the urgent transformations that are needed to develop an economy that has equality and fairness at its heart."

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