Colin Smyth S6O-02785 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body under what circumstances Fairtrade products are used in catering in the Scottish Parliament. John Mason S6O-02784 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether it will consider having a third exhibition area, in light of there being considerable demand for such spaces. Jackie Baillie S6O-02795 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body how the Staff Cost Provision uprating for 2024-25 will be calculated. Kevin Stewart S6O-02781 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what difficulties there are, if any, in recruiting staff for jobs in the Scottish Parliament. Kate Forbes S6O-02747 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether it will provide an update on its work to ensure that the crèche facility can offer more than four hours per week per child. Edward Mountain S6O-02796 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body when SPCB staff were notified by Michael Matheson of his holiday to Morocco and intention to take a parliamentary device abroad. Alexander Burnett S6O-02788 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what its position is on whether the £3,000 used from Michael Matheson’s office expenses for roaming charges constituted value for money, as required of all expense claims under the Reimbursement of Members’ Expenses Scheme. Graham Simpson S6O-02790 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what consideration it has given to allowing events to start in the Parliament building while Members' Business debates are ongoing. Brian Whittle S6O-02782 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body when the most recent energy efficiency assessment of the Scottish Parliament building was completed, and what the results were. Carol Mochan S6O-02786 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body when it will make a decision on the Staff Cost Provision uprating for the financial year 2024-25. Emma Harper S6O-02746 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what discussions it has had regarding support for children and young people from rural areas to visit the Scottish Parliament. Paul O'Kane S6O-02787 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what mental health support it has in place for SPCB and MSP staff, and what work it has done to promote available resources.
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